December 2019 STOMP
Safety Topic of the Month
Managing End of Year Stress with Safety in Mind
Finals! Holidays! The transition back home. All these things can leave you vulnerable to physical and mental stress this month. The last thing you need is to become a victim of a crime.
 | Safety Tips During Finals: - All night studying and a lot of caffeine can leave you more vulnerable to theft. Always take a moment before you leave to do a check. Did I lock the door? Do I have everything I need? If you drove, is anything valuable left in the car in plain sight?
- Be aware of your surroundings. When your mind is preoccupied, you tend to get careless. Don’t leave valuables unattended. Don’t leave your laptop or backpack behind while you go for food or to use the restroom.
- When you take a break from your studies, use the safety resources around you. Don’t take a walk alone at night for a breather. Get someone to walk with you, or get an escort to a safe place where you can stretch your legs without putting yourself in danger.
 | - Don’t prop open doors to make access easier. It also makes access easier for people who shouldn't be in the building.
- Eat, rest, and stretch. Your body and your mind are connected. If you don’t take care of your physical needs, your brain will suffer, also.
- Get a study group together. Helping each other is a win-win. Look out for each other and keep each other safe.
 | Tips for Keeping Mentally Fit: - Feed your body some brain food. Look it up. Dark chocolate is a brain food!
- Take some breaks. Do some deep breathing to get better oxygen flow to the brain.
- Take your normal medications.
- If you become overwhelmed, take time to talk to someone. If there isn’t a person available when you need them, Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is an option.
- If you ever feel hopeless or desperate, reach out to professional resources.
- Agora is a crisis hotline available 24/7 at (505) 277-3013.
- SHAC has an after hours crisis line at (505) 277-3136 (option 3).
- UNMPD is open 24/7 and can assist you in finding the help you need. Call (505) 277-2241.
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